Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dreamweaver MX Extensions

Dreamweaver MX Extensions
New Riders Press | ISBN: 0735711828 | 2002-09-09 | CHM | 552 pages | 6.6 MB
Do you use Dreamweaver? Have you downloaded and installed extensions from the Dreamweaver Exchange, and do you love the whole idea of being able to add objects, behaviors, commands, and so forth, to the program? Do you often find yourself thinking, "If only Dreamweaver did it this way..." or "Why doesn't someone write an extension that does...?" Do you know your way around HTML and JavaScript and feel you just might be ready to start writing your own Dreamweaver extensions? If so, Dreamweaver MX Extensions is for you.
Dreamweaver MX Extensions is written for Dreamweaver users who want to learn how Dreamweaver extensibility works and how to create extensions to address their workflow needs or to share with others. Dreamweaver MX Extensions explores what extensibility is and how it works, focusing on how Dreamweaver uses a combination of HTML, JavaScript, and XML to create objects, behaviors, menu commands, inspectors, floating panels, server behaviors, and other program elements. For each extension type, the reader is taken through a series of practice exercises. The book's 14 workshops provide step-by-step instructions for strategizing, designing, and creating functional, useful extensions!
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